Turkey Earthquakes

We have been extremely overwhelmed with all the support, donations and kind messages we have received since last Monday about the Turkey earthquake.

It truly means the world to us!

Whether it was a £1 donation or £100, big or small, or even just sharing our updates on social media, it does really make a huge difference in helping those affected.

As you may know, some of our staff members are from the disaster areas, who’s families and friends have been affected, so this really does mean a lot to them especially!

Last Thursday (9th February 2023), we decided to donate the whole of our earning to the earthquake disaster. We are very proud to announce that in Kingston we raised £13,411.30 and in Epsom we raised £8,337.92. A combined whopping total of £21,749.22. This is truly incredible, we are so thankful and grateful.

Thank you to everyone who came along to support our fundraising, for those that shared our updates on social media platforms and for everyone’s messages of support.

A special thank you also to those who couldn’t make it, but donated directly to various charities.

Finally, we would like to say a huge thank you to all our staff, for their hard work and especially working voluntarily last Thursday!

Thank you all,
Management of Cappadocia Restaurant Kingston




We are shocked and saddened by the devastating earthquakes that have happened in our beautiful country, Turkey.

Our condolences go to those who have lost family and friends & prayers to those who are injured.

10 cities have been destroyed with thousands of people dead and many still missing.

Many have lost everything and are now facing brutal winter cold and snow.

In this time of extraordinary need, Cappadocia Restaurant will be donating all of its earnings from the whole day of Thursday 9th February 2023 to social organisations in Turkey who are providing aid and relief to the affected areas.

We ask that you join us on Thursday 9th and support us in raising funds for those impacted. Every penny you spend will help earthquake victims in need.

To reserve your table, please go to www.cappadociakingston.co.uk or call us on 020 8549 6228.

If you can’t join us on Thursday but would like to donate, please go to any of the following links:

Just Giving: www.justgiving.com/campaign/kahramanmarasearthquake
Ahbap: www.ahbap.org/disasters-turkey
AKUT: www.akut.org.tr/en
IHH: www.ihh.org.tr/en/gecmis-olsun-turkiye

Out of respect for all victims, we have also taken the decision to cancel the belly dancing show this Thursday. The belly dancing weekly night will resume Thursday 16th February 2023.

Other local businesses including Kingston Food Centre, Ham Food Centre and The Bistro are also showing solidarity with Cappadocia Restaurant in its efforts.

Thank you for your support.

Kind Regards,

Management of Cappadocia Restaurant Kingston